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Now that you've gathered your resources, you and your group members will need to design an e-zine (electronic magazine) using  If you need assistance creating a web page using click on the button "How to Use".


Your e-zine should include the following:

MAIN COVER/HOME PAGE:  An introduction to your magazine, including a creative title (no, you may not use the title of a magazine or e-zine that already exists), multimedia and an image that symbolizes your e-zine's purpose, and a brief introduction of what your e-zine is about (including a reference to the appropriate audience).

TABLE OF CONTENTS: This page should include links to all the articles in your e-zine.  

NAMED PAGES: You should have at least four pages that are content-specific (e.g., Arts and Entertainment, Advice Column, Biographies, etc.) Think of creative titles for your pages that really make your e-zine pop.


ARTICLES/IMAGES: There should be at least two articles per page and three graphics. All articles should have a title and a byline (e.g., CURRENT FASHIONS by John Doe). Make sure all images taken from other sources are credited in the credits section.


LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS: One of your pages should be a credits page where you list the websites you used, as well as the list of contributors to the e-zine (the names of your group members).

You will also be graded using the rubric available here

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